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3 IoT Use Cases Pushing the Smart Cities Evolution

IoT implementation in smart cities is aimed at improving sustainability, supporting the implementation of smart networks, optimizing natural resource efforts such as water management, and improving the lighting and heating efficiency in buildings and public structures. The following are 3 use cases that are pushing the smart city evolution:

Smart Utility Meters

Smart meters are a new kind of electricity meter that will be able to digitally send meter readings to the energy supplier for more accurate billing. They will do away with the issuance of energy consumption bills and prevent the wastage of power. Additionally, they allow the utility company to pinpoint exact outage locations and restore operations faster and more efficiently.

Intelligent Traffic Control Systems

According to Global Traffic Scorecard compiled by traffic analytics company Inrix, the average American driver spent 26 hours in traffic jams in 2020. To reduce the waste in time and the cost associated with traffic delays, many governments are leveraging IoT to automate and optimize the city’s traffic control systems. The ability to monitor traffic congestion and create alternate routes will significantly impact traffic commuter times.

Smart Street Lighting

Having smart street lighting implemented within any city has a series of positive cascading effects. Not only can it help cities increase energy efficiency, reduce energy and maintenance costs but also be used in security use cases. Smart lights automatically adjust their brightness levels based on street activity as well as transmit maintenance data to anticipate outages and enable faster response times.

As cities continue to grow and urbanize, there will be a greater need to connect and monitor key utilities that residents rely on heavily. Having the ability to access real-time operational data and systems will allow municipalities to optimize, monitor, and control their services.

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